Our Blog

5 Reasons Your Rental List Price is Important

Landlords usually have a list of qualities their ideal tenants possess, like willing to sign a long lease, have great credit, no pets, stable jobs and income, etc. but they rarely think that pricing their property right from the start is the best chance they have of...

Going From Homeowner to Real Estate Investor

Many homes we manage were previously occupied by the owners. Maybe you lived there five years or twenty. Maybe it’s where you raised your children that are now grown and have moved out. The house may have been the backdrop for a lot of memories but once you move and...

4 Things to Do If You Have Problem Tenants

Are you managing tenants that are problematic or refuse to honor their lease terms? Most property owners try to work with tenants who show good faith and effort. But property owners need to have a plan of action for those tenants who fail to cooperate with others and...